Tuesday, 30 December 2014

'The Cylical Return' at the RWA Open Exhibition

It was a real pleasure to be a part of the Annual Open Exhibition at The Royal West of England Academy for the second year running. The standard of work was characteristically high and I felt honored to have shown alongside high profile artists, including Sir Peter Blake and HRH The Prince of Wales. 

Here are a few shots of my work hanging at the show in the Methuen Gallery:

It was the perfect way to finish off the year and I would like to thank everyone who came out to see the exhibition.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The RWA '162nd Annual Open Exhibition'

I am delighted to announce that I have been selected to show at the RWA Annual Open exhibition for the second year running. Exhibition runs from 12th Oct - 7th Dec:

The Royal West of England Academy, Queen's Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1PX. Click here for more information.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Recent life drawing sketches

As the weekly life drawing sessions that I attend have now finished up for the summer, I thought I would post a couple of better sketches from the past term;

Friday, 21 February 2014

Tips for successful life drawing (part two)

Getting away with it – I typically find that great life drawing has elements that have not even been drawn and/or have been purposefully omitted. When drawing a model from life I personally strive to capture only enough to allow the mind of the viewer to fill in the blanks and complete the illusion. It is not always an easy balance to strike and I certainly have a tendency to over-define my subject if I am not thinking clearly! I find that this method works particularly well in and around areas of highlight where the details are commonly blown out by the intensity of light. As long as the relationships to the surrounding areas of tone are correct, then areas with little or no visible information tend to take care of themselves in the overall composition. I have previously talked of finding efficiencies and this is the perfect example of it. This approach is akin to a great story – not everything is explained and some things are left open to interpretation. Therefore, when drawing I strongly advocate leaving the viewer space to use their imagination. ‘Less is more’ as my old college tutor would say.

Above: 'Figure 16' 60min study by Rhys Eggleton. See more life drawings here

Above: 'Figure 17' 15min warm-up sketch by Rhys Eggleton. See more life drawings here

Seeing Red – for quickly observing how subtle areas of tone relate and interconnect, I occasionally look at the model or subject through a red filter. Doing so basically strips away the distraction of colour, so that the tonal values can be accurately assessed. Also, this is a really good way to ‘pull back’ and see the broader shapes within the subject if I feel that my drawing is stalling or if I am losing my way with small details. This is similar to the well known technique of squinting to simplify the perception of masses, but has the distinct advantage of better clarity. I previously purchased a filter designed for a standard 35mm SLR camera from a popular online auction service. It only cost me a few pounds and its compact size makes it ideal for the task:

Be bold – and by this I do not mean reckless (although recklessness can sometimes produce intense results so I don't want to outright discourage it!). In my experience I have found that preciousness inevitably leads to a stale lifeless drawing, which although technically proficient can be uninspiring to behold. This can be really discouraging if you have invested considerable time in its production. Take chances with the flow of lines and try above all else to translate the visual rhythm of the models contours into the flow of the drawing hand. It is a good thing to get as loose as the mood takes you, so long as you are mindful of the relationships of all the elements that make up the character of the sitters body. This point really boils down to capturing the 'essence' of the model - something almost intangible that comes alive in our human perception and in my opinion eclipses absolute accuracy.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Preliminary studies for next piece

With the new year comes new fortuitous situation for me; I no longer work a full-time day job and have afforded myself a dedicated block of studio time each week to focus on creating artwork. I am eager to start realising some of the ideas that until now have only existed in note form, scrawled on scraps of paper tucked inside my sketchbook. Essentially I will be continuing in a similar thematic and stylistic vein to "A Cause for Celebration". I have a lot of material planned, which should hopefully come together as a unified body of work further down the line. 

Alongside a series of thumbnail composition sketches, I have also been working on a couple of detailed studies over the past few weeks, trying to work out some technical kinks before I execute the first of my planned pieces. The first prep drawing is of a solitary magpie, which will play a central role in the narrative of the final work:

The second element will be a small collection of toy marbles:

I learned a lot from producing these sketchbook studies and I now feel confident that I can render the final piece to the standard that I envision. I just have rebuilt my still life shadow box, settled on the lighting and I am now massaging a few details of the composition. I plan to progress the piece over the coming weeks and will be sure to post an update or two along the way.